Forest Cobras: 1 species becomes 5 species.
Five Distinct Species of Forest Cobras Forest cobras were previously thought to be a single species, [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-11-09T05:07:16+00:00October 28th, 2023|Uncategorised|
Five Distinct Species of Forest Cobras Forest cobras were previously thought to be a single species, [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-10-13T07:59:43+01:00October 11th, 2023|Venomous Snake Articles|
Color Variations of the Cape CobraDeadly BeautifulCape Cobras come in a large array of colors. These [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-12-19T09:32:59+00:00September 29th, 2023|Venomous Snake Articles|
How to tell the difference between a Rinkhals and Mozambique Spitting Cobra. The first thing to [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-09-26T10:48:15+01:00September 26th, 2023|Venomous Snake Articles|
DANGEROUSLY VENOMOUSBlack Spitting Cobra (Naja nigricincta woodi)Other Names: Swartspoegkobra, Swart Spoegslang (Afrikaans), Mhungu (chiShona)IDENTIFYING FEATURES:Pitch black [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-12-19T09:11:36+00:00September 25th, 2023|Venomous Snake Articles|
HARMLESS General: The Spotted Bush snake (Philothammus semivariegatus) is an iconic and beautiful species that is [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-09-25T10:57:25+01:00September 25th, 2023|Venomous Snake Articles|
Introduction:The Cape Cobra (Naja nivea) is a venomous snake species found in the southern regions of [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-12-19T10:01:26+00:00September 9th, 2023|Harmless Snake Articles, Midly Venomous Snake Articles|
MILDY VENOMOUS General The Herald Snake (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia) is known by a few other names: Red-lipped [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-09-30T16:56:50+01:00September 9th, 2023|Harmless Snake Articles, Midly Venomous Snake Articles, Venomous Snake Articles|
Egg-eater VS Night Adder - How To Tell Them Apart Egg-eaters are often mistaken for Night [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-09-07T05:42:51+01:00September 6th, 2023|Venomous Snake Articles|
Stiletto Snake (Atractaspis bibronii) – A World of Pain VERY DANGEROUS General: The Stiletto Snake (Atractaspis [...]
By Mike Perry|2023-09-09T15:20:27+01:00August 29th, 2023|Harmless Snake Articles, Midly Venomous Snake Articles|
The Dwarf Sand Snake (Psammophis angolensis) The world of reptiles is adorned with an astonishing array [...]